Logo: Tina Gadow | Shaping Diversity
Logo: Tina Gadow | Shaping Diversity

Conférencier & Panel


Pechs Kucha and Fishbowl facilitation at the annual meeting of the theatre projectteams funded by Doppelpass - Theatre Cooperation Fund with ca. 100 representatives of the alternative scene and municipal theatres
Kulturstiftung des Bundes
24.-25. October 2013, Berlin


Paneldiscussion: Additional value or barrier – How to make mobile terminals accessible for everybody and where does Innovation start?
6. May 2013, Berlin

World Day for decent work

Conference of the German Confederation of Trade Unions; 300 participants
7. October 2012
Gute Arbeit

Win or Die

Paneldiscussion with libyan revolutionaries after the screening of the documentary by Nic Nagel "Win or Die - Voices from the Libyan Revolution"
17. February 2012, Babylon Mitte Berlin
Win or Die

Web 2.0 - Integration online?

Paneldiscussion with journalists, bloggers, activists, media and political scientists
7. September 2011, Mediacentre of the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, Osnabrück, as part of "Weeks of Cultures 2011"

On post-fossil consumption

A conversation with Juliet Schor, sociologist, Boston College and author of "Plenitude: The New Economics of True Wealth" (USA)
18. August 2011, House of World Cultures, Berlin

Kunst.Kultur.Konflikt - Arts.Culture.Conflict

Conference organized by the working group "Culture and Development" (Goethe-Institut, GIZ, DAAD, Deutsche Welle, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen)
Fishbowl-Moderation (engl.) of the Panel "Setting the Framework Right: Tradition, Transition and Identity"
18. May 2011, Bonn

Goethe Salon

An encounter between 12 international VIP-guests of the Goethe-Institute and 24 Berliner young professionals. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Goethe-Institute.
6. July 2011, Berlin

3. Bundesfachkongress Interkultur

Conference for Interculture - organized by Düsseldorfer Institut für soziale Dialoge; EXILE-Kulturkoordination e. V., Essen; Forum der Kulturen Stuttgart e. V.; Initiativkreis Bundesweiter Ratschlag Kulturelle Vielfalt
27. to 29. October 2010 in Bochum, ca. 300 participants

Culture and global Development

Symposium organized by DED in cooperation with InWent and Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa).
11. May 2010 in Bonn, 200 participants

The known and the foreign – Museum and Integration

Annual meeting of the Federal federation of museum education in cooperation with Museumsdienst Köln
16.-17. November 2009 in Cologne, ca. 250 german museum pedagogues

Vernissage of the exhibition "Perspektivwechsel"

Vernissage organiszed by Bistros e. V. in the presence of the Federal President
26. Oktober 2010, Atrium of the Daimler Financial Service Center Berlin, 700 guests

From development cooperation to international cooperation

Fishbowl with four panelists and public forganized by f.ize, Forum International Cooperation for Sustainable Development
8. September 2009 at GTZ Berlin, ca. 60 guests

Closed Doors? – On the necessity of including African artists and authors in German cultural programming

Paneldiscussion organized by the Berlin Literary Festival and the GTZ
September 27, 2008, Berlin

6th Consultation of the Federal Coalition for Cultural Diversity

Organized by the German UNESCO Commission
May 20-21, 2008, Berlin-Neukölln
Coalition for Cultural Diversity

Madagascar-German Dialogue on Sustainable Development

Round Table organized by the President of the Republic of Madagascar and the GTZ
April 10, 2008, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science
deutsch-madagassischer Dialog.de