Logo: Tina Gadow | Shaping Diversity
Logo: Tina Gadow | Shaping Diversity



Annual meeting of the theatre projectteams funded by Doppelpass - Theatre Cooperation Fund with ca. 100 representatives of the alternative scene and municipal theatres
Kulturstiftung des Bundes
24.-25. October 2013, Berlin

TourCert Forum

A forum for tour Operators (19. October 2013 in Frankfurt)
Topic: Sustainable certification system
kate - Umwelt und Entwicklung

mice lab: The Congress of the Future

In cooperation with Hans-Joachim Gögl and Michael Gleich.
BodenseeMeeting, a Network of conference organisers at the
Bodensee Region
June 2013

Supervisory Boards in dialogue

Round Tabes with 50 members of supervisory boards of small and medium-sized companies.
BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, CMS Hasche Sigle, WP Board & Finance GmbH
since june 2012 twice a year, Frankfurt

Eine Woche Zeit

Consultation of the Helmut-Schmidt-University and the Bundeswehr University Hamburg for "One week time"
In cooperation with the Alfred Töpfer Stiftung F.V.S.
June 2013
Eine Woche Zeit

Transformation Thinkers Reunion

Reunion of all alumni Transformation Thinges of the classes 2003 - 2008
A cooperation project of Bertelsmann Foundation and GIZ, July 20011

Berlin Agora

A civic platform for discussion and exchange during one summer before the Berlin elections.
6. June - 18. September 2011

10 years of zivik - anniversary celebration

Exhibition about ziviks work worldwide and Exchange with peacemakers from all over the world
22. March 2011, Berlin

Searching for Plan C – Celebrating and Cerebraling the Crisis

IETM Annual Plenary Meeting in Berlin, April 15 - 18, 2010
In cooperation with ietm - international network for performing arts, Brussels, RADIALSYSTEM V and ITI - International Theatre Institute, German Chapte
Plan C

be Berlin – be diverse. What to do with our cultural diversity?

Symposium by the Senate Chancellery – cultural matters in cooperation with the Gemeinnützige Hertie Stiftung
with 70 participants of Berlins cultural scene
November 11 - 13, 2009
Project management, Conceptual Design and Moderation of one workshop

New Spaces and Systems for the Arts - creating connections, connecting creativity

Radialsystem V, Berlin, 16.-17. October 2009
International Forum as integral part of a Festival for hybrid arts; Asia-Pacific-Weeks Berlin
Concept and Management

Transformation Thinkers Reunion

Reunion of all alumni Transformation Thinkers von 2003 - 2008
A Cooperation project of Bertelsmann Foundation and GTZ, July 2009
Program design and format development, coordination and management, speaker selection and briefing, host/moderator duties

What is german?

Culture Counts – 24 Hour Interview Marathon May 1 & 2, 2009
Coordination, organisation and management

Conference Series „Transformation Thinkers“

Cooperation Project of the Bertelsmann Foundation and GTZ
November 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005

The Concept of Progress in Different Cultures_website

Project documentation (concept and text) of the conference series organized by the Goethe Institute and GTZ in Alexandria, Dresden, La Paz, Calcutta, Kaliningrad, Windhoek 2004 – 2007