Art and Games
A two-years-program of the Robert Bosch Foundation Timing at encouraging cultural education between cultural institutions and Kindergardens.
Processfacilitation for the group: Rundfunksinfonieorchester Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin and Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar.
Summer 2013 - Spring 2016; together with Home of Coaching.
Art and Games
Festival of Utopia
Theory U workshop on the topic of mobility at the fair for fancy thoughts and serious utopia with young utopists from 18 to 35 years.
12. and 13. September 2013 near Hannover
Institute for Transportation Design (ITD)
Festival der Utopie
Berlin Senate for cultural affairs
Workshop for strategy and planning with leaders of the cultural department team
8.-9. August 2013 in Berlin
Owners Forum - Class 2013
Workshops (engl.) with 10 Tunesian and 10 Egyptian young entrepreneurs to define targets and to prepare their first-class-Mentorings by german Family companies
27. May 2013 in Berlin
The Owners Forum
Architectual heritage in Tunisia - Maintainance and use
Evaluation (french) of an educational journey with a Tunesian delegation. Part of the Transformation Partnership of the German Federal Foreign Office
9. May 2013 in Würzburg
Goethe-Institut Tunis
Exchange, Feedback and Evaluation with all partners of the Social Sciences Institute (SI) of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD)
2. April 2013, Hannover
Workshop (french) preparing a 4 weeks seminar for Cultural Management with 15 young and independant tunisian cultural managers
Goethe-Institute Tunis, in cooperation with denkmodell GmbH
4. - 6. March 2013, Tunis
Defining targets and teambuilding with 30 staff members of the Cultural Office Düsseldorf
30. - 31. October 2012
Regional Cooperation between directors of touristic and cultural offices
Representatives of 2 working groups of the Region Köln/Bonn e.V. "Touristic and local recreation" und "Regional Cultural Cooperation" meet twice a year in order to elaborate common projects
Since 2012
Workshop "The Art of the Possible"
“The Art of the Possible - Striking a Balance between Participation and the Delegation of Power”
Workshop (engl.) with 15 Young Leaders of the Transatlantic Forums (BMW Stiftung Herbert Quandt)
30. June 2012, betahaus Berlin
Young Leaders
Goethe Guerilla Athens
Workshops (engl.) with an interdisciplinary group of seven young people who want to shape and innovate the public space of Athens with creative and artistic actions.
Organizer: Goethe-Institut Athen
July to September 2012
Goethe Guerilla
Regional Cultural Cooperation in the Rhineland
Representatives of the municipal cultural offices meet 3 times a year (30 participants)
Workshops organized by the State Chancellery North-Rhine-Westphalia and the Region Köln/Bonn e.V .
with ca. 40 representatives of the cultural departments of small, middle and big cities in North Rhine-Westphalia
Since 2009, 3 times the year
Transformation Congress
A conference on the political and economical transformation of our times
German Confederation of Trade Unions, German League for Nature, Animal Protection and Environment and the protestant church in Germany.
September 2011 to June 2012, bcc Berlin
Open Space
Preparing the 50 years anniversary of Welthungerhilfe e. V.
12. April 2011 in Bonn with 45 staff members
Peacemakers in Dialogue
10 years of zivik; Exhibition and Exchange organized by zivik, Institut für Auslandsbesziehungen (ifa)
Interregional Workshop (engl.) with 30 Peacemakers from around the world
22. March 2011, Berlin
City and Climate Change - Forum for creative minds II
Workshop (engl.) organized by Goethe-Institut Zagreb
3. - 5. March 2011 in Zagreb, 60 partipants from 6 countries in Southeastern Europe and Germany
Alumni work of the Czech-German
Young Professionals Program
Workshop (engl.) with 20 german and czech participants organized by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin and Association for International Affairs (AMO), Prague
13 November 2010 in Bad Schandau
3. Federal Experts Congress of Interculture
Organizer: Düsseldorfer Institut für soziale Dialoge; EXILE-Kulturkoordination e. V., Essen; Forum der Kulturen Stuttgart e. V.; Initiativkreis Bundesweiter Ratschlag Kulturelle Vielfalt
27. to 29. Oktober 2010 at Jahrhunderthalle Bochum
Culture and Global Development
Symposium (engl.) organised by DED Bonn in cooperation with ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen), InWent and Deutsche Welle
May 11, 2010
The own and the foreign – Museum and integration
Annual conference of the German association for museum educational service (250 participants)
November 2009, Cologne
Mediation of literature from Southeast Europe
Workshop (engl.) organised by Leipziger Buchmesse in cooperation with the Robert Bosch Stiftung
June 10 - 11, 2009
6th interdisciplinary political Salon - „Time for Commons“
Genes, Bytes and Emissions: Time for Commons
Topic: Strengthen commons - For the whole society - now!
A workshop organised by Heinrich-Böll-Foundation
May 19 - 20, 2009
Workshop for a proposed Academy of World Arts
Workshop with 80 representatives of the alternative cultural scene of Cologne, organised by the Cultural Office of the City of Cologne
March 25, 2009
Open Space Workshop for a proposed House of World Cultures
organised by the Cultural Office of the City of Cologne, 100 participants
November 5, 2008