Logo: Tina Gadow | Shaping Diversity
Logo: Tina Gadow | Shaping Diversity

Projectmanagement & Training

Cultural management - How to write convincing applications

10.-12. October 2013 in Tunis
A two days Workshop (french) with young Tunesien cultural managers
Goethe-Institut. In cooperation with denkmodell GmbH

Cultural Management seminar

A four weeks seminar for 15 young tunisian cultural Managers of the alternative scene
Development of the Curriculum and program (french), coordination.
Goethe-Institut. In cooperation with denkmodell GmbH
2. April to 17. May 2013, Berlin
Kultur und Entwicklung

Goethe-Institut Visitors Program

October to December 2012
Consultation of the Goethe-Institut Visitors Program regarding the conceptual optimasation of new formats
Company (Engl and french) and evaluation of 15 visiting journeys with international guests in Germany

Cultural Management seminar

Input and Facilitation: German Cultural Policy
With a group of employees of non-commercial, non-governmental cultural institutions (galleries, museums, film clubs, theaters, cinemas, etc.) from countries in the Middle East / Northern Africa, organized by the Goethe-Institute.
2. October 2012 in Berlin
Cultural Management

Training: Facilitation

for companions of the Goethe-Institutes visitors programme.
September and October 2012, Berlin and München

Cultural Management seminar

A four weeks Seminar for 15 directors of maisons de cultures in Tunisia
Development of the Curriculum and program (french), coordination.
Goethe-Institut. In cooperation with denkmodell GmbH
14. bis 18. Mai / 28. Mai bis 1. Juni 2012, Berlin
Kultur und Entwicklung


Comunication concept for the project "Lesespaß"
Stiftung Lesen
January 2012

Berlin Agora

Concept and projectmanagement
6. June – 18. September 2011 at RADIALSYSTEM V – New Space for Arts and Ideas
Berlin Agora

Searching for Plan C - Celebrating and Cerebraling the Crisis

Concept and organisation of the IETM Annual Plenary Meeting in Berlin, 15. - 18. April 2010. In cooperation with ietm - international network for performing arts, ITI - International Theatre institute Germany and RADIALSYSTEM V.
Plan C

be Berlin - be diverse. What to do with our cultural diversity?

Concept and Projektmanagement of the symposium
Berlin Cultural Senate, in cooperation with the Hertie Foundation
12. bis 13. November 2009 im Berliner Rathaus
be berlin-be diverse

New Spaces and Systems for the Arts - creating connections, connecting creativity

Concept and projectmanagement of the international forum with 20 artistic directors of interdisciplinary new spaces for the arts worldwide
Radialsystem V, Berlin, 16.-17. October 2009

What is german?

Culture Counts – 24 hours Interviewmarathon, 1./2. May 2009, Radialsystem V Berlin
Interviewmarathon 2009

What is foreign?

Culture Counts – 24 hours Interviewmarathon, 11./12. May 2007, Main Station Berlin
Interviewmarathon 2007

The concept of progress in different cultures

Projektmanagement and documentation of the international conferenceserie of Goethe-Institut and GTZ (2004 – 2007 in Alexandria, Dresden, La Paz, Kalkutta, Kaliningrad, Windhoek): What is progress?

Caricatured: Women in Egypt, Morokko and Germany

Vernissage in Berlin, 8. March 2007
Einladung zur Ausstellung (PDF, 2.2 MB)

Opening of the German House in Addis Abeba
German Development Cooperation

Partner: GTZ, DED and KfW with 700 international guests
June 2006, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia

Culture and Development – Ways to practice

International final conference of the worldwide conference serie in Bangkok, Jakarta, Johannesburg, Santiago und Rabat
Goethe-Institut and GTZ
20.-22. November 2006 in Berlin.

In detail: Culture and Development

Conceptual Design and author of the thematic internet dossier of GTZ
online: May 2010

Broschure „Culture and Development“

Concept Development and Editorial responsability
Goethe-Institute, September 2008